Chimps under training

Michael Beran, a scientist at the Georgia State University, trained chimps to use a computer and a joystick. The computer screen showed a numeral followed by a series of dots. The chimps had to match the numeral with the dots. One chimp learned numerals from 1 to 7, while another managed to learn till the numeral 6.

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How many glasses of milk does a cow give in its lifetime?

A cow gives nearly 2,00,000 glasses of milk in its lifetime. An average cow of a good breed produces about 13 to 15 litres of milk per day, which amounts to about 90 glasses (of 150 ml capacity) of milk per day or 16,000 glasses of milk per year. A cow on an average produces milk for about 12 years.

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Pumice – The floating rock

Pumice is a volcanic rock which is made from lava. It is a very light rock material filled  with gas bubbles. It is produced when lava with a high gas and water content erupts from a volcano and then cools abruptly. During the process, the dissolved water vapours in the lava are suddenly released, resulting in the whole mass swelling up into a froth and solidifying due to abrupt cooling. Pumice is 90 per cent porous and lightweight and is the only kind of rock that can float on water.

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What amount of rain falls on the earth in one minute?

Rain is a form of precipitation of water droplets that are greater than 0.5 mm in diameter. The amount of precipitation that falls all over the world may range from less than 0.1 inches per year in some deserts to more than 900 inches per year in the tropics. It is estimated that every minute one billion tons (907 million tons) of water fall when it rains on the earth.

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Snowflake and its composition

The structure of a snowflake is quite complex. It is formed from a frozen drop of cloud, which forms the nucleus. The nucleus quickly attracts water molecules around it that freeze instantly. In the process, the attracted water molecules branch out giving the snowflake a unique hexagonal shape. Since the branching out process is different in each case, it is highly unlikely that two snowflakes would look the same.

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