Who invented the computer mouse?

Douglas Carl Engelbart is an American inventor whose work mostly focused on human-computer interaction. He invented the computer mouse in the late 1960s. He received the patent in 1970. The mouse was made of a wooden shell with two wheels. He never received any royalty for his invention.

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The largest freshwater ‘floating lake’

The largest freshwater lake in northeastern India Lake Loktak is located near Moirang in Manipur. It is also called the ‘floating lake’ due to the floating phumdis (heterogeneous mass of vegetation, soil, and organic matters at various stages of decomposition) on it.

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Niger Bend – The unusual geography

The Niger River in Africa is one of the world’s longest rivers traversing 4,168 km. It has an unusual geography having a boomerang shape with the northern part named the ‘Niger Bend’. The source is the Guinea Highlands and the river drains into the Atlantic ocean. Interestingly, the source and the mouth of the river are separated by just 240 km.

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This super-predator bird darts at 241 kilometres per hour!

The  golden  eagle  (Aquila chrysaetos) is one of the largest birds of prey, a predator bird. It is mostly found in America and Mexico. The golden eagle is are very swift, and can dive upon its prey at a speed of more than 241 km per hour. All eagles have very sharp eyesight—four to five times stronger than a human with perfect vision. They can spot movement long distances away. An eagle can easily see a rabbit on the ground from 3 km away.

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