Bruce Lee didn’t live long enough to see his last film’s release

The blockbuster film Enter the Dragon got released exactly six days after the death of Bruce Lee.Bruce Lee was a martial arts actor in Hong Kong. He also acted in several Hollywood films such as Fist of Fury and Way of the Dragon. Bruce Lee died on July 20, 1973. Six days later his last film Enter the Dragon was released on July 26, 1973.

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Astronomer who died immediately after the publication of his revolutionary theory

Nicolaus Copernicus died immediately after the publication of his book De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres). Nicolaus Copernicus is known to propose the heliocentric theory of the Universe as opposed to the then prevalent Ptolemaic geocentric theory. He probably started writing about the theory in 1514, but it got published in its complete form only in 1543. He died in the same year.

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Happiness quotient is a measure of success for this country

The term ‘Gross National Happiness’ was coined by King Jigme Singye Wangchuk. Bhutan is based on Buddhist spiritual values. The country’s progress is measured holistically by indicators of individual wellness in the areas of economic, environmental, physical, mental, workplace, social and political spheres.

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