The mystery whirling the invention of wheels

The introduction of wheel is a landmark in the process of human civilization. The wheel came into use simultaneously in Mesopotamia, Central Europe and India, and so which culture actually invented it remains a mystery. The wheeled vehicles have been discovered dating back to the 4th century BC.

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Salma Hayek too experienced glossophobia

When Mexican-American film actress Salma Hayek was 18, she had planned to run away from the theatre to avoid appearing in front of the audience in Mexico. She was playing the role of Jasmine in a production of Aladdin for children.

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Inventors of the ‘year-clock’

Archaeologists have found evidence that Scotland’s prehistoric hunter-gatherers or tribes built a giant ‘year-clock’ capable of tracking the passing of lunar months. No wonder, the British are known for their punctuality.

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The only home of Asiatic lions

The Gir National Park is located in Saurashtra, Gujarat, and is spread over 1412 square kilometres. Outside Africa, it is the only place where wild lions can be found. It is the only home to Asiatic lions.

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How are Indian and African lions different?

African and Indian lions belong to the same species Panthera leo. However, they belong to different sub-species. The most striking morphological character always seen in Asiatic lions is a longitudinal fold of skin running along their belly. This fold of skin is rarely seen in African lions.

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Edison’s dream of a world of concrete

Thomas Edison is known for his discoveries of several devices, conspicuous among them being the light bulb and the phonograph. What is not so well known is that he once owned the largest cement plant in the world. It is said that he dreamt of a future in which millions of Americans would not only live in concrete houses but also sleep on concrete beds and play music on concrete pianos.

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