This super-predator bird darts at 241 kilometres per hour!

The  golden  eagle  (Aquila chrysaetos) is one of the largest birds of prey, a predator bird. It is mostly found in America and Mexico. The golden eagle is are very swift, and can dive upon its prey at a speed of more than 241 km per hour. All eagles have very sharp eyesight—four to five times stronger than a human with perfect vision. They can spot movement long distances away. An eagle can easily see a rabbit on the ground from 3 km away.

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Tokyo to Honolulu – Fly back in time and relive it!

There is a massive gap in time zones between Honolulu and Tokyo. Honolulu is 19 hours behind Tokyo. Subtracting the 7 hours and 45 minutes flight time between these two cities gives us a trip difference of 11 hours and 15 minutes. Therefore, you would actually reach Honolulu more than 11 hours before you left Japan.

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What does the word ‘robot’ mean?

A robot is a machine that sometimes resembles humans and carries out routine mechanical tasks on command with human-like skill. The word robot has its origins in the Czech word robotnik, which means a serf or a slave. Robots are used mainly in factories and in those activities which a human might find difficult to handle, such as deep sea exploration, mining, etc. It is also used in space.

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What does ZIP in ZIP code stand for?

The Zone Improvement Plan code, abbreviated as the ZIP code, is a system of postal codes that was introduced in the USA in 1963 to improve the efficiency of postal services, such as sorting and delivery. It comprises nine digits: the first three digits are assigned to a specific part of the USA, the next two digits refer to the specific post office or zone, the next two digits refer to a particular area or street or a cluster of buildings, and the last two digits refer to a block or a single floor or a group of post office boxes, e.g. PO Box 58001, Washington DC 20037-8001.

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