How many teeth does a whale shark have?

Whale sharks are largest known animals of the earth. They typically measure more than 60 feet. A whale shark has in its mouth over 4,000 teeth that are placed in several rows that resemble a rasp (a kind of flat tool with sharp projections to work on wood). These teeth are not used for feeding.

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Which is the world’s densest wood?

The black ironwood is the wood from the tree Olea laurifolia found in the forests of the South Africa. It is the world’s densest wood with a specific gravity of 1.49. It is also one of the heaviest woods with a weight of 452 kg per square metre. Owing to its specific gravity being higher than water, it sinks in water.

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What is a neutron star?

A neutron star is a remnant of a star after it has collapsed due to its own gravity. These stars are composed of subatomic particles called neutrons without any electrical charge. These stars could be two times the mass of the sun. The neutron stars have a very high surface gravity which could be 2 × 1011 times more than the gravity on the surface of the earth. A neutron star is very dense. It is so dense that one teaspoon (5 millilitres) of its material would have a mass over 5.5 × 1012  kg.

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Tragic life of Nobel Prize winner Max Planck

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was a German physicist who discovered quantum physics. He was the founder of quantum theory, for which he received  the  Nobel  Prize  in  Physics in 1918. Planck’s life was dotted with tragic occurrences. His first wife died  early.  His  younger  son  died  in World War I. He had twin daughters, one of which died during childbirth. The other twin married the husband of the first twin sister. They married and after two years she also died during childbirth. In 1944, when Planck was eighty-five, during World War II, a bomb fell on his house destroying all his documents and a lifetime of accumulations. The next year, his only surviving son was executed after being caught in a conspiracy to assassinate Hitler.

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