This brainy pen detects spelling mistakes

A new hi-tech pen named Lernstift has been developed by German scientists. It gently vibrates every time it senses a spelling mistake or sloppy handwriting. It has a special motion sensor and a small battery-powered Linux computer with a WiFi chip.

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An alternative route to Kedarnath

The Gaurikund-Rambara trek to Kedarnath was a 14 km trek to Kedarnath which was devastated by the floods. The Government of Uttarakhand has chalked out an alternative path, which was originally a 27-kilometre traditional path to Kedarnath. This pedestrian route from Guptkashi will pass through Kalimath and Chaumasi.

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Who was Krishna Chandra Dey?

Krishna Chandra Dey (1893–1962) was better known as K. C. Dey. He was the uncle of the famous singer Manna Dey and also an exponent of music. He was a Bengali actor, singer, music composer and teacher. He was the first teacher of music and mentor of the legendary music composer Sachin Dev Burman. In 1906, when he was only thirteen years old, he completely lost his eyesight.

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Innovators born in 1887

The year 2012 celebrated the 125 years of five innovators, Henry Moseley, Sukumar Ray, Erwin Schrödinger, Jamini Roy, and Srinivasa Ramanujan. Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley was an English physicist who provided the explanation of X-ray spectra, which justified many concepts in chemistry by sorting the chemical elements of the Periodic Table of the Elements in a quite logical order based on their physics. He died at the age of 26 only at the First World War. Sukumar Ray was an Indian writer who was known for his humorous creations. He wrote poems, stories, and playrights exclusively for children. His innovative creations are sometimes called ‘literary nonsense’, but these were full of sense. He also died young at the age of 33, but before that he fathered Satyajit Ray, who later become a world famous film director. Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger was an Austrian theoretical physicist who achieved fame for his contributions to quantum mechanics, especially the Schrödinger equation, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1933. Jamini Roy was an Indian painter who experimented with tribal folk art and transformed them into innovative paintings with his new style of painting. Srinivasa Ramanujan Iyengar was an Indian mathematician and self-taught genius who, with almost no formal training in pure mathematics, made substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series and continued fractions.

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Which famous Bengali painter was visually impaired?

Benode Behari Mukhopadhyay was an eminent Bengali painter and muralist. He taught in Vishva Bharati University in 1925. He was born with serious defects in his eyes. He was myopic in one eye and blind in the other. He became totally visually impaired when his myopic eye was operated upon in 1956. He continued to paint and do murals even after that. Satyajit Ray made a documentary The Inner Eye based on his life.

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Cooler than rainforests, higher than 3,000 feet above sea level

Cloud forests are usually found in the tropical or subtropical regions such as South Africa, Indonesia and South America. They are also found in temperate regions such as Japan and Pakistan. The clouds cover up to the middle level of these forests and persist there. The forests are dark due to low infiltration of light and the vegetation predominantly comprises ferns, orchids and mosses besides trees such as pine and oak. Cloud forests have a high level of biodiversity, most of which is threatened due to unsustainable activities of humans.

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