How the rhino got his skin, Rudyard Kipling explains

The rhino looks like it is wearing a coat of armour. Rudyard Kipling, in his story ‘How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin’, tells an interesting tale about how a Parsee called Pestonjee Bomonjee baked a magical cake and a rhinoceros ate it on an uninhabited Island on the Red Sea. When that happened, the rhinoceros had a smooth, even and figure-hugging skin.

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How much is ‘one inch’ of rainfall?

Water falls on earth in the form of precipitation, such as snow or rain. Rainfall is the main form of precipitation. The amount of rainfall may vary from region to region. It could be 0.1 inch per year in deserts and 900 inches per year in the tropics. If a one inch rainfall occurred in one acre of land, it would weigh 113 tons.

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The German physicist who discovered X-rays

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen was a German physicist. In 1895 he was working with cathode rays when he discovered a different kind of electromagnetic radiation. Since the radiation was unknown at that time, he called it the X-rays. He received the first Nobel Prize in physics in 1901 for this discovery.

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