The longest river in the world

The Nile is one of the most interesting rivers of the world owing to the ancient Egyptian civilization, which is known as the ‘Gift of Nile’. The river originates in the well-watered regions of northeastern Africa and proceeds to drain northwards in the Mediterranean Sea. It is known as the world’s longest river. Although different sources provide different measurements of the river, according to some experts it is 6,650 kilometres long.

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Maggot therapy for wounds

Maggot therapy is used to heal wounds. In this method, maggots or larvae of flies are allowed to eat away the dead tissue in the wound, thereby clearing it quickly and healing it in the process. It is also known as Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT). Wounds infested with maggots heal quickly and without spread of gangrene or other infection.

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The first synthetic human chromosome

Chromosomes are considered the basic structures of heredity. They carry the codes that give rise to the expression of the characteristic features of an organism. Humans have 46 chromosomes. In 1997, a team of scientists J.J. Harrington, G.V. Bokkelen, R.W. Mays, K. Gustashaw, and H.F. Willard synthesized artificial chromosomes. These chromosomes are stable up to six weeks. These chromosomes can be used as vectors to carry genes of interest into other cells and for the study of their expression.

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