Tribute to Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell was a Scottish-born American inventor famous for the invention of the telephone. He died on August 2, 1922. On the day that Alexander Graham Bell was buried, millions of phones in America and Canada went dead for one minute as a mark of respect for the inventor.

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Speed of a falling raindrop

A raindrop falls on the earth with varying speeds depending on its size and weight. The gravity acts on the falling raindrop and the drop picks up speed. But due to air resistance, which is generally proportional to the velocity, the raindrops attain a terminal speed. A larger raindrop would fall much faster at 9 metres per second whereas a smaller raindrop will fall at a much slower speed of 2 metres per second.

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What makes the national flag of Paraguay special?

The national flag of Paraguay has different emblems on the obverse and reverse sides. The flag has an emblem on the obverse side, which is the national coat of arms of Paraguay that comprises a yellow five-pointed star surrounded by a green wreath capped by the words REPUBLICA DEL PARAGUAY. The emblem on the reverse side is the seal of the treasury, which is a yellow lion below a red Phrygian cap and the words PAZ Y JUSTICIA (‘Peace and Justice’).

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