The relation between butterflies and climate change

Butterflies are delicate creatures and they are affected by climate change. A large population of butterflies indicates a healthy ecosystem and a dearth of butterflies indicates that the ecosystem is under stress. Butterflies are unable to fly if their body temperatures drop below 30 degrees Celcius.

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Origin of the electric chair

Until recently, criminals in the US were executed using an electric chair. Nowadays a different form of execution by lethal injection is practised. Before the electric chair, the condemned criminals were    hanged. However, a dentist Dr Alfred P. Southwick happened to witness a drunken man getting electrocuted and dying instantly when he touched a live electric generator. He was horrified. However, it later occurred to him that this method of electrocution could be used to humanely execute condemned criminals. As a dentist he worked using chairs, so the idea of the instrument occurred in the form of a chair.

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The amount of energy released by a hurricane

An average hurricane bringing in 1.5 cm per day of rain, with a circle radius of 665 km, generates a huge amount of energy (6.0 × 1014 Watts or 5.2 × 1019 Joules/ day),  which  is  equivalent of  200  times  the  electricity-generating capacity of the entire planet in a year. This is equivalent to detonating a ten megaton nuclear bomb every 20 minutes. In 10 minutes a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world’s nuclear weapons combined.

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