Discovery of Morgan’s Sphinx Moth

In 1862, Charles Darwin discovered an orchid from Madagascar with a one-foot-long spur that held the pollen and the nectar at its depths. He predicted that there must be an insect that had a foot long tongue (proboscis) to pollinate the plant. Nobody had seen such a moth and the idea was laughed at. In 1903, the Morgan’s Sphinx Moth was discovered that has a proboscis 12 to 14 inches long to get the nectar from the bottom of the 12-inch deep orchid spur.

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Why is it hard to swat a fly?

Flies can jump backwards during takeoffs. Researchers found out using a high-speed video camera that the fruitfly anticipates the direction of the threat and shuffles its legs to a takeoff position in a matter of a few milliseconds, a manoeuvre that helps them fly away from the threat.

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How much skin do humans shed?

Our skin is made of many layers of cells. The outer layer is flaky and the inner layers have structure giving and nourishing elements. The outer skin gets dry or damaged with time and so it gets shed. An average person sheds about 30,000 cells every minute and about 18 kilograms of skin in his or her lifetime. Most household dust is made of dead skin.

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