Born between peace and terror

Eminent physicist Albert Einstein was born in the year 1879. Mahatma Gandhi, the apostle of peace, was born in 1869 and Adolf Hitler, the epitome of terror, in 1889. Hence the expression that Einstein was born between peace and terror.

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What are gravitational waves?

Gravitational waves are vibrations that occur when highly dense cosmological elements like dwarf stars, neutron stars or black holes come together and collide or merge. The vibrations produced are commonly known as ‘ripples’, for they travel in a manner similar to the ripples formed when a stone is pelted in a pond or lake. The colliding bodies disturb the stillness of ‘spacetime’ (the space in four dimensions including time) giving rise to gravitational waves. The energy emitted during the process is known as gravitational radiation.

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Pathos of Einstein

Einstein had said, ‘If my theory of relativity be proven successful, Germany will call me a German, and France will declare that I am a citizen of the world. If my theory be proven unsuccessful, France will call me a German and Germany will declare that I am a Jew.’

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