Gadsby: Fifty thousand words without an ‘e’

There are very, very few words in the English language where vowels aren’t used. And ‘e’ is the most commonly used letter in the English language. There are 22 ‘e’s in the previous two sentences alone! Then, imagine how much difficult it must have been to write Gadsby, a 50,000-word novel without the letter ‘e’! Except for the introduction and the note at the end, you won’t find the letter ‘e’ used anywhere.

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The Washington connection

It was on this day, in the year 1877, that the American daily, The Washington Post, was first published. It is the oldest existing newspaper in the area, and is the most widely circulated newspaper published in Washington, D.C. Needless to say, The Washington Post is one of the leading dailies in the United States of America.

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Go: A sentence short and sweet

‘Go’ is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. It is an imperative sentence that is basically used as a command or order. However, there is an ongoing debate whether ‘I am’ should be given the honor.

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All the vowels in alphabetical order

Abstemious means ‘sparse use’ or ‘moderate intake of food and drink’; facetious means being ‘flippant’. Apart from their interesting meanings, the words have a unique connection between them. Both these words have all the vowels in alphabetical order. Such words are quite rare and form a very short list. Abstentious is another such word. The scientific words in the list, such as arsenious, acheilous, annelidous, fracedinous, etc., are hardly ever used in everyday language. The entire list would comprise about 20 words.

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The meaning of ‘dinosaur’

The name dinosaur is derived from two Greek words: deinos meaning ‘fearfully great’ and sauros meaning ‘lizard’. It was coined by the English anatomist Richard Owen in 1842. Owen recognized that the huge fossilized bones unearthed at several places in nineteenth-century England were markedly different from the bones of the other existing reptiles.

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