More movies are produced in India than in Hollywood

About 1,000 movies are produced in India every year, most of which are produced in Mumbai (called Bollywood), as compared to Hollywood which makes around 600 films annually. Movies of other regional languages are produced mostly in their respective states. Movies made in the languages Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Bengali, etc. among others have gained recognition both within and outside their domains.

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Brando before ‘The Godfather’

Everybody’s image of Marlon Brando seems to be Don Corleone in The Godfather (1972). But not only was Marlon a Hollywood legend, he was also one of the best-looking stars of the 1950s. Vivian Leigh as the insecure older sister and Marlon’s close friend Karl Malden play an ample supporting cast in the movie A Streetcar Named Desire directed by Elia Kazan. The movie which established Brando’s mumbling diction as a style in itself.

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Steve McQueen’s distressed childhood

Terence Steven McQueen was a famous Hollywood actor and director known for the famous films such as Magnificent Seven and Towering Inferno. He had a horrible childhood. Steve McQueen was dyslexic, partially deaf as a result of childhood ear infection and he was the son of an allegedly rebellious alcoholic lady of questionable character. His father abandoned his mother after six months of meeting. He was just a baby, when his mother left him with her parents and maternal uncle. When he was eight years old, he was taken home by his mother who had married a second time. His stepfather was abusive and used to beat him so much that he left home at the age of nine and lived on the streets. He had become a petty criminal. He was sent again to his mother’s maternal uncle but called back again when she remarried a third time. His new stepfather was also abusive. McQueen started stealing and abusing drugs and was put into a remand home.

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Bruce Lee didn’t live long enough to see his last film’s release

The blockbuster film Enter the Dragon got released exactly six days after the death of Bruce Lee.Bruce Lee was a martial arts actor in Hong Kong. He also acted in several Hollywood films such as Fist of Fury and Way of the Dragon. Bruce Lee died on July 20, 1973. Six days later his last film Enter the Dragon was released on July 26, 1973.

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Nikita Khrushchev’s visit to the USA

When the Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev planned to spend thirteen days in the United States in 1959, he made two special requests. One was to see the Disneyland, and the other was to meet the Hollywood actor John Wayne. Sadly, he was barred from visiting Disneyland on account of the cold war. However, he did meet John Wayne and admired his movies. Later he sent Wayne a giant crate full of Russian Vodka for Christmas.

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Megamovie ‘Sholay’ was inspired by Hollywood

The blockbuster Indian movie Sholay was inspired by two movies Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven. The Magnificent Seven was directed by John Sturges. The Hollywood film revolves around the seven men who are brought in from different parts of the world to save a village from the clutches of a bandit group. This film, in turn, was inspired by Seven Samurai directed by Akira Kurosawa.

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