An underwater post office

The world’s only underwater post office is located in the Hideaway Island marine sanctuary in the Republic of Vanuatu. Situated in the South Pacific, the post office is 50 metres offshore and three metres below the water surface. Divers and snorkelers can post special ‘waterproof postcards’ from this post office. If snorkelers find it difficult to duck-dive down that depth, Hideaway Island staff help them out.

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What are corals?

Corals are small colourful marine animals that are found in the seas. They build the coral reefs. Their exoskeletons provide the structure of the reefs. The reefs are of high ecological importance. Corals grow very slowly at the rate of about one centimetre a year.

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Dolphins’ sleeping style!

Dolphins are mammals that are found in the seas and oceans. When the dolphins sleep, they seem to float on the water with one eye open. This is because they sleep with one part of the brain at a time. The other half is awake and that keeps one eye open. If they sleep and become unconscious, they would suffocate or drown. To prevent this, they sleep with half of their brain. After some time, they close one eye and open the other eye, and sleep.

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