The total blood supply required by the brain

Every minute 750 ml of blood gets pumped through your brain, which is merely 15–20 per cent of blood flow from the heart. An adult brain requires about 20 per cent of the body’s oxygen. To meet this requirement, and other metabolic needs of the neurons, approximately 20 per cent of the blood flow is directed to the brain. Lack of adequate supply of blood to the brain can result in cerebral strokes or haemorrhages.

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Function of blood cells – 15 million restored every second

Blood cells are of two types – red and white. The red blood cells transport gases; these carry oxygen from the lungs to the different parts of the body and return the carbon dioxide from the different parts to the lungs. The white blood cells are involved in maintaining the immunity of the body. In addition, there are special cells called platelets. Every second, about 15 million of these blood cells die as new cells take their place.

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