Population explosion in Asia

Asia, the largest continent on Earth, has a total land area of 44,579,000 square kilometers. It constitutes 30 per cent of the total available land area. The continent tops the list even in terms of population. More than 4.1 billion people reside in Asia, which is 60 per cent of the entire global population, with a population density of 87 persons per square kilometer.

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The lives Black Death took away in Europe

The Black Death, also known as Black Plague, is one of world’s worst pandemics. The disease entered European lands in around 1343 through Crimea, passing the Silk Route and beginning from Central Asia. One of the main causes is believed to be rat fleas hosted by black rats, of which trade ships used to be replete back then. Between the years 1346–53, plague had claimed around 200 million lives, i.e., nearly 60 percent of Europe’s population. In the 14th century alone, the disease had decimated the European population from 400 to some 350 million.

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The relation between butterflies and climate change

Butterflies are delicate creatures and they are affected by climate change. A large population of butterflies indicates a healthy ecosystem and a dearth of butterflies indicates that the ecosystem is under stress. Butterflies are unable to fly if their body temperatures drop below 30 degrees Celcius.

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