How much is ‘one inch’ of rainfall?

Water falls on earth in the form of precipitation, such as snow or rain. Rainfall is the main form of precipitation. The amount of rainfall may vary from region to region. It could be 0.1 inch per year in deserts and 900 inches per year in the tropics. If a one inch rainfall occurred in one acre of land, it would weigh 113 tons.

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What amount of rain falls on the earth in one minute?

Rain is a form of precipitation of water droplets that are greater than 0.5 mm in diameter. The amount of precipitation that falls all over the world may range from less than 0.1 inches per year in some deserts to more than 900 inches per year in the tropics. It is estimated that every minute one billion tons (907 million tons) of water fall when it rains on the earth.

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Snowflake and its composition

The structure of a snowflake is quite complex. It is formed from a frozen drop of cloud, which forms the nucleus. The nucleus quickly attracts water molecules around it that freeze instantly. In the process, the attracted water molecules branch out giving the snowflake a unique hexagonal shape. Since the branching out process is different in each case, it is highly unlikely that two snowflakes would look the same.

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Evaporation to precipitation – Time taken by a droplet of water

Water evaporates from oceans, seas, rivers, etc., and rises up in the atmosphere. At the height of several thousand kilometres, these vapours condense to form clouds and eventually droplets. By this time, the droplet may have travelled many miles from its place of origin. Once the droplets reach a certain size, typically 6 mm in diameter, they begin to fall from a great height and would travel thousands of miles.

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