The river that flows in two directions

The Tonlé Sap River is attached to a freshwater lake also known as the Tonlé Sap Lake. It connects the lake with the Mekong River, which is the world’s twelfth longest river. It flows north from November to May feeding the Mekong River with water from the lake. However, with the arrival of the monsoon season, the Mekong River swells up, pushing the waters of the Tonlé Sap River back into the freshwater lake. The Tonlé Sap River has been designated as an ecological hotspot.

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How did the city of Montreal get its name?

Montreal is an island city on the Saint Lawrence River in Canada. The city was first named by European settlers as Ville Marie. However, the city is now named after one of the famous geographical features of the island, a hill consisting of three peaks named Mount Royal. It is situated at a height of 232 m above sea level.

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The longest river in the world

The Nile is one of the most interesting rivers of the world owing to the ancient Egyptian civilization, which is known as the ‘Gift of Nile’. The river originates in the well-watered regions of northeastern Africa and proceeds to drain northwards in the Mediterranean Sea. It is known as the world’s longest river. Although different sources provide different measurements of the river, according to some experts it is 6,650 kilometres long.

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What is glacial ice?

Glaciers are formed at the North and South Poles and in high mountains, such as the Himalayas. Glaciers are sometimes known as rivers of snow. The snow remains for more than a year and as more snow falls, the lower layers get compressed, forming ice. This ice is called glacial ice. Glacial ice can be more than 1,50,000 years old. About 70 per cent of the world’s fresh water is stored as glacial ice.

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