Total solar eclipse – a total cosmic spectacle

A solar eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when the moon obscures the sun for some time. There are different kinds of solar eclipse – total, annular, hybrid and partial. During a total solar eclipse, the moon completely blocks out the sun. In an annular eclipse, the moon obscures only the centre of the sun. A hybrid eclipse occurs either as total solar eclipse or annular eclipse. In a partial solar eclipse, the moon blocks only a part of the sun.

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What is the journey time to our nearest galaxy?

Andromeda, the galaxy closest to the Milky Way, is about 2.5 million light years away. To travel in space, we need to achieve the speed of light, which is about 3,00,000 kilometres per second. Even at that great speed, it will take us about 2 million years (not 2.5 million years due to an effect called time dilation) to reach Andromeda.

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Which is the world’s largest space observatory?

ALMA stands for Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimetre Array. Operational since 2013,  it is the world’s most powerful telescope with 66 high precision antennas and is ten times sharper than Hubble. It is built in the Atacama Desert in Chile at an altitude of 16,500ft with almost no humidity or vegetation to block its view of the sky. It will allow the astronomers to study the first moments after the universe was formed. Countries from three continents had to combine resources to be able to build it.

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What is space-time curvature?

Space and time are woven together to form a fourth dimension called ‘space-time’. The ‘curvature’ is a geometric property of space- time.  Einstein identified this  property while he was working on his General Relativity theory. The curvature of space-time is directly related to the energy and the momentum of any matter or radiation. A standard way to illustrate this idea is to place a bowling ball (representing a massive object such as the sun) onto a stretched rubber sheet (representing space-time). If a marble is placed onto the rubber sheet, it will roll towards the bowling ball, and may even be put into ‘orbit’ around the bowling ball. This occurs, not because the smaller mass is ‘attracted’ by a force emanating from the larger one, but because it is travelling along a surface which has been deformed by the presence of the larger mass. In the same way, gravitation in Einstein’s theory arises not as a force propagating through space-time, but rather as a feature of space-time itself. According to Einstein, your weight on earth is due to the fact that your body is travelling through warped space-time.

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The first computer game to be played in space

StarCraft, developed by Blizzard Entertainment and released for Microsoft Windows in 1998, was the first computer game to be played in space. The game is about three species who fight for dominance. The mission specialist of the space shuttle mission STS-96, a StarCraft fan, took a CD of the game with him to space. After orbiting the Earth 153 times and travelling 3.5 million nautical miles. The CD now is housed at Blizzard’s home office.

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