How much Indian currency can one carry out of India?

The Reserve Bank of India, on June 19, 2014, declared that residents and non-residents, except individuals from Pakistan and Bangladesh, would be allowed to carry up to Rs 25,000 when exiting the country. This was a major shift from the earlier limit of Rs 10,000 that was allowed only to residents of India. In 2013, the RBI had issued a directive that prohibited non-resident Indians (NRIs) and foreign nationals from carrying any amount of Indian currency out of the country.

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What is the journey time to our nearest galaxy?

Andromeda, the galaxy closest to the Milky Way, is about 2.5 million light years away. To travel in space, we need to achieve the speed of light, which is about 3,00,000 kilometres per second. Even at that great speed, it will take us about 2 million years (not 2.5 million years due to an effect called time dilation) to reach Andromeda.

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