Pound is abbreviated ‘lb’ after the constellation Libra

The unit pound is abbreviated ‘lb’ which comes from the constellation Libra. The word libra means ‘balance scales’ in Latin. The ancient Romans used the term libra pondo to refer to weight. Libra meant ‘weight’ and pondo meant ‘pound’. This was eventually shortened to libra which came to be abbreviated as ‘lb’.

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The world’s largest brown bear

The Kodiak bear found in Alaska is the largest species of brown bear. The male bear can measure up to eight feet, that is about 2.5 metres, and weigh as much as 773 kilograms. The female bear is 20 per cent smaller and weighs 30 per cent less than the male. Physiologically, the Kodiak bear is almost similar to the other brown bear subspecies, and despite the difference in their sizes, their diet patterns are almost the same.

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Speed of a falling raindrop

A raindrop falls on the earth with varying speeds depending on its size and weight. The gravity acts on the falling raindrop and the drop picks up speed. But due to air resistance, which is generally proportional to the velocity, the raindrops attain a terminal speed. A larger raindrop would fall much faster at 9 metres per second whereas a smaller raindrop will fall at a much slower speed of 2 metres per second.

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Why you’ll weigh less on Mars than on Earth

Mars is smaller than Earth. Its density and mass is also lower than earth. Since all these factors are lower, its gravity is also lower than Earth. In fact, the gravity on Mars is 62 per cent lower than Earth, meaning the Martian gravity is 38 per cent of the gravity on Earth. So a 50 kg person on Earth would weigh 19 kg on Mars.

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